Gradient Boosted Decision Trees Classification Learner
Gradient boosting algorithm that also supports categorical data.
Calls catboost::catboost.train()
from package 'catboost'.
Meta Information
Task type: “classif”
Predict Types: “response”, “prob”
Feature Types: “numeric”, “factor”, “ordered”
Required Packages: mlr3, mlr3extralearners, catboost
Id | Type | Default | Levels | Range |
loss_function_twoclass | character | Logloss | Logloss, CrossEntropy | - |
loss_function_multiclass | character | MultiClass | MultiClass, MultiClassOneVsAll | - |
learning_rate | numeric | 0.03 | \([0.001, 1]\) | |
random_seed | integer | 0 | \([0, \infty)\) | |
l2_leaf_reg | numeric | 3 | \([0, \infty)\) | |
bootstrap_type | character | - | Bayesian, Bernoulli, MVS, Poisson, No | - |
bagging_temperature | numeric | 1 | \([0, \infty)\) | |
subsample | numeric | - | \([0, 1]\) | |
sampling_frequency | character | PerTreeLevel | PerTree, PerTreeLevel | - |
sampling_unit | character | Object | Object, Group | - |
mvs_reg | numeric | - | \([0, \infty)\) | |
random_strength | numeric | 1 | \([0, \infty)\) | |
depth | integer | 6 | \([1, 16]\) | |
grow_policy | character | SymmetricTree | SymmetricTree, Depthwise, Lossguide | - |
min_data_in_leaf | integer | 1 | \([1, \infty)\) | |
max_leaves | integer | 31 | \([1, \infty)\) | |
ignored_features | untyped | NULL | - | |
one_hot_max_size | untyped | FALSE | - | |
has_time | logical | FALSE | TRUE, FALSE | - |
rsm | numeric | 1 | \([0.001, 1]\) | |
nan_mode | character | Min | Min, Max | - |
fold_permutation_block | integer | - | \([1, 256]\) | |
leaf_estimation_method | character | - | Newton, Gradient, Exact | - |
leaf_estimation_iterations | integer | - | \([1, \infty)\) | |
leaf_estimation_backtracking | character | AnyImprovement | No, AnyImprovement, Armijo | - |
fold_len_multiplier | numeric | 2 | \([1.001, \infty)\) | |
approx_on_full_history | logical | TRUE | TRUE, FALSE | - |
class_weights | untyped | - | - | |
auto_class_weights | character | None | None, Balanced, SqrtBalanced | - |
boosting_type | character | - | Ordered, Plain | - |
boost_from_average | logical | - | TRUE, FALSE | - |
langevin | logical | FALSE | TRUE, FALSE | - |
diffusion_temperature | numeric | 10000 | \([0, \infty)\) | |
score_function | character | Cosine | Cosine, L2, NewtonCosine, NewtonL2 | - |
monotone_constraints | untyped | - | - | |
feature_weights | untyped | - | - | |
first_feature_use_penalties | untyped | - | - | |
penalties_coefficient | numeric | 1 | \([0, \infty)\) | |
per_object_feature_penalties | untyped | - | - | |
model_shrink_rate | numeric | - | \((-\infty, \infty)\) | |
model_shrink_mode | character | - | Constant, Decreasing | - |
target_border | numeric | - | \((-\infty, \infty)\) | |
border_count | integer | - | \([1, 65535]\) | |
feature_border_type | character | GreedyLogSum | Median, Uniform, UniformAndQuantiles, MaxLogSum, MinEntropy, GreedyLogSum | - |
per_float_feature_quantization | untyped | - | - | |
classes_count | integer | - | \([1, \infty)\) | |
thread_count | integer | 1 | \([-1, \infty)\) | |
task_type | character | CPU | CPU, GPU | - |
devices | untyped | - | - | |
logging_level | character | Silent | Silent, Verbose, Info, Debug | - |
metric_period | integer | 1 | \([1, \infty)\) | |
train_dir | untyped | "catboost_info" | - | |
model_size_reg | numeric | 0.5 | \([0, 1]\) | |
allow_writing_files | logical | FALSE | TRUE, FALSE | - |
save_snapshot | logical | FALSE | TRUE, FALSE | - |
snapshot_file | untyped | - | - | |
snapshot_interval | integer | 600 | \([1, \infty)\) | |
simple_ctr | untyped | - | - | |
combinations_ctr | untyped | - | - | |
ctr_target_border_count | integer | - | \([1, 255]\) | |
counter_calc_method | character | Full | SkipTest, Full | - |
max_ctr_complexity | integer | - | \([1, \infty)\) | |
ctr_leaf_count_limit | integer | - | \([1, \infty)\) | |
store_all_simple_ctr | logical | FALSE | TRUE, FALSE | - |
final_ctr_computation_mode | character | Default | Default, Skip | - |
verbose | logical | FALSE | TRUE, FALSE | - |
ntree_start | integer | 0 | \([0, \infty)\) | |
ntree_end | integer | 0 | \([0, \infty)\) | |
early_stopping_rounds | integer | - | \([1, \infty)\) | |
eval_metric | untyped | - | - | |
use_best_model | logical | - | TRUE, FALSE | - |
iterations | integer | 1000 | \([1, \infty)\) |
Initial parameter values
:Actual default: "Verbose"
Adjusted default: "Silent"
Reason for change: consistent with other mlr3 learners
:Actual default: -1
Adjusted default: 1
Reason for change: consistent with other mlr3 learners
:Actual default: TRUE
Adjusted default: FALSE
Reason for change: consistent with other mlr3 learners
:Actual default: TRUE
Adjusted default: FALSE
Reason for change: consistent with other mlr3 learners
Early stopping
Early stopping can be used to find the optimal number of boosting rounds.
Set early_stopping_rounds
to an integer value to monitor the performance of the model on the validation set while training.
For information on how to configure the validation set, see the Validation section of mlr3::Learner
Dorogush, Veronika A, Ershov, Vasily, Gulin, Andrey (2018). “CatBoost: gradient boosting with categorical features support.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11363.
See also
for a table of available Learners in the running session (depending on the loaded packages).Chapter in the mlr3book:
mlr3learners for a selection of recommended learners.
mlr3cluster for unsupervised clustering learners.
mlr3pipelines to combine learners with pre- and postprocessing steps.
mlr3tuning for tuning of hyperparameters, mlr3tuningspaces for established default tuning spaces.
Super classes
-> mlr3::LearnerClassif
-> LearnerClassifCatboost
Active bindings
The last observation of the validation scores for all metrics. Extracted from
Returns the early stopped iterations if
was set during training.validate
How to construct the internal validation data. This parameter can be either
, a ratio,"test"
, or"predefined"
Method importance()
The importance scores are calculated using
setting type = "FeatureImportance"
, returned for 'all'.
Named numeric()
# Define the Learner
learner = mlr3::lrn("classif.catboost",
iterations = 100)
#> <LearnerClassifCatboost:classif.catboost>: Gradient Boosting
#> * Model: -
#> * Parameters: loss_function_twoclass=Logloss,
#> loss_function_multiclass=MultiClass, thread_count=1,
#> logging_level=Silent, allow_writing_files=FALSE, save_snapshot=FALSE,
#> iterations=100
#> * Validate: NULL
#> * Packages: mlr3, mlr3extralearners, catboost
#> * Predict Types: [response], prob
#> * Feature Types: numeric, factor, ordered
#> * Properties: importance, internal_tuning, missings, multiclass,
#> twoclass, validation, weights
# Define a Task
task = tsk("sonar")
# Create train and test set
ids = mlr3::partition(task)
# Train the learner on the training ids
learner$train(task, row_ids = ids$train)
#> CatBoost model (100 trees)
#> Loss function: Logloss
#> Fit to 60 feature(s)
#> V11 V12 V36 V28 V49 V9 V51
#> 10.0270450 4.3935228 4.0216325 3.8093237 3.4520392 3.4238010 2.8417483
#> V48 V52 V21 V23 V45 V10 V16
#> 2.7528179 2.7399994 2.5532728 2.5342737 2.4363935 2.4301189 2.1950661
#> V55 V29 V43 V26 V47 V35 V46
#> 2.1732509 2.0965736 1.9162949 1.8707353 1.8045829 1.7826093 1.6436986
#> V18 V38 V58 V31 V17 V53 V44
#> 1.5925787 1.5673275 1.5409760 1.5207862 1.5131045 1.4854073 1.4657244
#> V30 V4 V22 V41 V54 V37 V19
#> 1.4547843 1.4109414 1.3846220 1.3407285 1.2804485 1.2743924 1.2731287
#> V7 V13 V33 V8 V14 V3 V6
#> 1.2430332 1.1503764 1.0931274 0.8977138 0.8960593 0.8540329 0.7812570
#> V32 V25 V27 V1 V59 V56 V39
#> 0.7628411 0.7461228 0.7436020 0.7406333 0.7148368 0.7130026 0.6927982
#> V15 V40 V20 V50 V60 V24 V34
#> 0.6319273 0.6147681 0.5954808 0.5071326 0.4836857 0.4328545 0.3910175
#> V5 V57 V2 V42
#> 0.3849858 0.3466151 0.2961441 0.2822007
# Make predictions for the test rows
predictions = learner$predict(task, row_ids = ids$test)
# Score the predictions
#> classif.ce
#> 0.173913